Tuesday, September 20, 2016

knifeandskillet: Last Chance Summer Drinks & Snacks If...


Last Chance Summer Drinks & Snacks

If you’re lucky enough to still have melons and tomatoes at your famers, like some markets still do in Los Angeles, then it’s a good time to enjoy some of these things before Fall gets upon us.  If you live in L.A. and are judging by these mid 80’s temps, don’t be fooled.  Take a quick look on any almanac and you’ll see that we’re already getting less and less light each day, preparing us for a change in what we will be cooking in the weeks ahead.

Agua de Melon

Get a couple of nice ripe melons, quarter them, cube them, puree using a blender, then strain (or not).  Add a pinch of salt and maybe a squeeze of lime and you’re all set.  The nice thing about this is you can freeze and use as you’d like, or make ice cubes to pop in your drinks.

Cherry Tomatoes, Serranos, and Cilantro.

Sure, you can find execrable cherry tomatoes in the vegetable aisle at Trader Joe’s in the middle of winter, but if I want to taste something that tastes like nothing then I’d rather not eat.
Get some cherry tomatoes, serranos (or jalapeรฑos if you don’t want heat) and some cilantro when in season to go with some some homemade chips.

Fried Tortillas.
(for chips)

Yes, tortillas are not seasonal.  Get some nice tortillas, preferably made at a tortilleria, fry them until golden, then sprinkle with just a bit of sea salt.
(or you can use them as a base for ceviche tostadas, click here for the recipe)

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2cW3Sk2 via abstranslate.jimdo.com

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